WebIOPi is developed and tested on Raspbian. You only need Python, either 2.7 or 3.2. Download, then extract and install WebIOPi. The setup script will automatically download and install required dependencies using apt-get. You may have to manually install GCC and Python development headers if you are not using Raspbian.
See downloads page to get latest package
See downloads page to get latest package
hey Friends…..
i m here to give a tutorial on webiopi which is good tool/software to control the GPIO over the local area network/web on the raspberry pi…..
Webiopi: internet of things framework…..here is the solution….
Step 1:
install the webiopi in raspberry pi…..
connect the pi to internet and type following command to install the webiopi in the pi….
$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/webiopi/files/WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
On original page of webiopi installation guide, they have given different command u can also use that……i have just find outed:where the webiopi is and using “wget” command i can download directly the file to raspberry pi…..
Now if u have downloaded the tar.gz file…..than enter this command to extract the file:
$ tar -zxvf WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz
ok..it will exterct the files and put into pi’s folder name: WebIOPi-0.7.1.
You can see by entering command “ls”.
Now u have to setup file in that folder,So you need to go in that folder. for that enter command:
$ cd WebIOPi-0.7.1
ok u re now in the WebIOPi folder….so to install the file enter command:
$ sudo ./setup.sh
it will install files from the internet….u need to connected with the internet…
Step 2:
After installing the webio pi u need to start it…over local network….
$ sudo webiopi -h
This command will show u the help of raspberry pi……
to start the webiopi over network write the below command:
$ sudo webiopi -c config
it will create the server over the local network….
the assign ip address or web address will be shown after enterin above command…
like: localhost:8000/webiopi/ or
U need to enter that URL to your laptop which is connected to that local network..
click on GPIO hader..
u can see the GPIOs on site….u can click on “in/out” it will control the GPIOs in terms of “HIGH/LOW”….
So, congratulations u have successfully started webiopi on your pi…..
Access WebIOPi over Internet
Thanks to Weaved IoT Kit, it's easy to access your Raspberry from anywhere in a secure fashion.
Register on the Weaved developper portal
Go to https://developer.weaved.com/portal/ and follow instruction to create an account
Access WebIOPi over local network
If your Raspberry Pi is connected to your network, you can open a browser to http://raspberrypi:8000/ with any device of your network. Replace raspberrypi by its IP.
Default user is "webiopi" and password is "raspberry"
By choosing the GPIO Header link on the main page, you will be able to control GPIO using a web UI which looks like the board header.
- Click/Tap the OUT/IN button to change GPIO direction.
- Click/Tap pins to change the GPIO output state.
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