Thursday, February 5, 2015

Raspberry Pi Speak what you want !

1) Install mpg321

Tapez dans un terminal :
sudo apt-get install mpg321

2) Create a PHP file

Call it for exemple "speak.php" and put the following line: (don't forget the opening tags and PHP code closures)
exec('mpg321 ""');
So when will call the PHP file, the command line will be executed, and launch the mpg321 player mp3 file returns Google translate!

3) Add the www-data user to the audio group

If we do not add the user "www-data" to the audio group, our PHP command will not work, and we can not hear the Raspberry talk!
So type in a terminal:
sudo adduser www-data audio

4) Test !
Place this PHP file in the "/ var / www" of your Raspberry.
Then, type in the address of your browser Raspberry, followed by the name of your PHP file,
for example: http: //IP_RASP/speak.php (of course you need to be on the same network)
Normally, if your Raspberry is connected to a speaker / headphone and internet, you should hear "Hello"!
5) Raspberry say what you want
Just replace "hello" with a variable in your php file
 exec('mpg321 "'.urlencode($_GET['text']).'"'); 
So you can simply call the "http: //IP_RASP/speak.php text =?" Followed by the text you want your say Raspberry (encoded to a URL of course), so that the Raspberry expressed ! To encode the text to a URL (if you want to send accented text with spaces or special characters, ... use the "urlencode ()" in php or "encodeURIComponent ()" JavaScript!
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, do not hesitate to ask questions in the comments if you have one ;)

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