Thursday, November 13, 2014

Install Kali ARM on a Raspberry Pi

Kali Linux ARM on a Raspberry Pi


The Raspberry Pi is a low end, low cost ARM computer. Despite its less-than-stellar specifications, its affordability makes it an excellent option for a tiny Linux system and it can do far more than act as a media PC.
By default, the Kali Linux Raspberry Pi image has been streamlined with the minimum tools, similar to all the other ARM images. If you wish to upgrade the installation to a standard desktop installation, you can include the extra tools by installing the kali-linux-full metapackage. For more information on metapackages, please refer to our tools page .

Stock Kali on Raspberry Pi – Easy Version

If all you want to do is to install Kali on your Raspberry Pi, follow these instructions:
  1. Get a nice fast 8 GB (or more) SD card. Class 10 cards are highly recommended.
  2. Download the Kali Linux Raspberry Pi image from our downloads area.
  3. Use the dd utility to image this file to your SD card. In our example, we assume the storage device is located at /dev/sdb. Change this as needed.
Alert! This process will wipe out your SD card. If you choose the wrong storage device, you may wipe out your computers hard disk.
root@kali:~ dd if=kali-pi.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
This process can take a while depending on your USB storage device speed and image size. Once the dd operation is complete, boot up your Rasberry Pi with the SD card plugged in. You will be able to log in to Kali (root / toor) and startx. That’s it, you’re done!
IMPORTANT Please change your ssh host keys as soon as possible as ALL rpi images have the same keys. You should also change the root password to something more secure, especially if this machine will be publicly accessible!
Changing ssh host keys can be accomplished by doing the following:
root@kali:~ rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
root@kali:~ dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
root@kali:~ service ssh restart

Kali on Raspberry Pi – Long Version

If you are a developer and want to tinker with the Kali Raspberry Pi image, including changing the kernel configuration and generally being adventurous, check out the kali-arm-build-scriptsrepository on github, and follow the file’s instructions. The script to use is

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