Monday, June 22, 2015

FruityWifi network auditing tool

FruityWifi is a wireless network auditing tool. The application can be installed in any Debian based system adding the extra packages. Tested in Debian, Kali Linux, Kali Linux ARM (Raspberry Pi), Raspbian (Raspberry Pi), Pwnpi (Raspberry Pi), Bugtraq.

FruityWifi v2.0 has many upgrades. A new interface, new modules, Realtek chipsets support, Mobile Broadband (3G/4G) support, a new control panel, and more.

Ettercap is a tool able to capture network traffic and perform different attacks. With this module we can perform MITM attacks using ARP poisoning.

Nessus is a vulnerability scanner. With this module it is possible to scan hosts from FruityWifi without using the Nessus interface. We can discover the vulnerabilities present on each of the hosts to understand the attack surface and compromise them.

Meterpreter is an outstanding tool to gather information from a compromised host, manipulate system processes and/or kill them, and more. This module allows FruityWifi to compromise more hosts and use them to access more devices and networks.

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